Live rock


Does the live rock from come with bristle worms? I have never bought any from here and did not want to introduce those things in my tank. I have almost enough to be finished, and din't want to introduce them with the last chunk of rock.


Active Member
There's no guarantee that ANY LR won't come with critters...good or bad. By the way.. Bristleworms are a plus for the tank. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by spoonbig21
what about mantis shrimp? do they come with it?

Odds are it won't.... but no guarantees. :D


Active Member
The LR I got from this site had no hitchhikers whatsoever. That doesn't mean yours won't have any though. :)


chances are if you have LR that you bought from your LFS you already have them. I don't think i have ever bought LIVE ROCK without bristle worms. most of the time they only come out at night, with the occational appearance at feeding time. Unless you started with rock that had been dried and then seeded your live rock after it was in the tank, then you may not have any bristle worms. I got some base rock that sat out for 24 hours from a LFS for cheap, and it still had bristle worms in it. It was some holy rock