live rock


New Member
i just bought some live rock has these little things like feather dusters coming out of holes and the man said they were anemone something...and they were not good to have in your tank....what do i do about them.....i am new to sw, but loving it...any help will be most welcome...thank you
and the rock has fuzz all over it....he said it was algae but good alage...hope so.....


Active Member
WELCOME to SWF.COM lizfrog007
Look up Aipaisa... not even good. There are a few ways to get rid of them but IMO I would take it back to the LFS and get aipaisa free rock... or find a LFS with clean rock...


Definitely take back the rock! It sounds like you have aipaisa, which I have heard from numerous people is extremely hard to get rid of (they multiply like crazy), and hair algae! I have hair algae and a great cleaning crew which keeps it under control, but I have seen many a tank be completely over run by the stuff! There are numerous corals and other such creatures which will not tolerate the stuff. And I could be wrong, but I have never heard of it being actually good for the tank. :notsure:
Yes, It is Aptaisa... if you havent already arranged it in your tank... you should lift the pieces out and KILL them with " a syringe of boiling water"
To do this, get a syringe or dull needle from your local CVS ... Boil some water and then stick it in the hole where the aptaisa is coming from .. because they will "retreat" into their hole.. and ZAP it.... this should kill it instantly!
You can do it IN the tank if you have to but if you can take the rock out and do it this way, its better.
you can mix a thick paste of Kalk and zap it too.. they BOTH work very well. You want to get that out of there because they will spread in your tank....
Hope this helps,. Kim


The best thing to inject them with is calcium chloride. Boiling water works sometimes and sometimes not. Kent marine and several others have a calcium chloride calcium dosing supplement. If it is mixed strong and injected into the body, it will kill the aptaisia every time. I have done this personally several times and have not had a re-appearance.


to do a search click on the search button on the top right of the page, right under where it says Type in Aptaisa and you get tons of info. Hope you win the battle. Its a tough one.