Live Rock?


How important is it to get live rock on your tank if it is shipped. I found a deal, but it may take up to 5 days to get it cause I live on the east coast. Will that kill the rock. This is for a new tank setup.


New Member
Should not be a problem. I buy it like that as long as it is kept damp you should be good for 2 weeks.


Active Member
The bacteria is tough stuff on there. The bacteria is mostly what you want the coralline algea is just a pretty companion.

bill f

You probably would experience some die off, so depending on how much your adding it could set of another cycle in your tank. Its 5 days of shipping and you don't know the condition before that. I'd be prepared to cure it yourself, safe than sorry. Is it an established tank?


Just keep this in mind.
If it drys, it dies. But as its drying off its dying off.


New Member
I agree as it is drying it is dying. ----

does a real nice job packaging there stuff. I have yet to get a smelly box of rock. It smells nice and clean. It is a scary deal though shelling out hundreds of dollars for something you have not seen. Does anyone know a good place to get Tonga rock at a reasonable price?


New Member
They say no but if you have that stuff out of the water it needs to be recured you will get some die off. I have gotten rock from other places when you open the box the smell just about floors you. I have never had that problem with the vendor I buy mine from.


Active Member
If it is shipping for 5 days you will have die off but the bacteria and the coralline algea should be fine. The algea may turn white but will recover. Also I have seen where it has been in shipping for a long time and they still get shrimp and crabs and all kinds of stuff that is alive.
I would def cure it after I got it.
If its going in a new tank then dont worrie about curing it.


yeah I am setting up new tank. Can you put it right in the tank or do you have to cure it in another container. I am a little confused as to how I will know my rock is cured and or my tank has cycled.


If your setting up a new tank feel free to place your new live rock right in, it will help cycle the tank.


Active Member
I agree just take off the big chunks of dead stuff off. Place it in a saltwater batch and scrub the "big stuff" off with a tooth brush. Leave the rest so it will help cycle your tank.


How will I know what is dead, will it be white? And can I put my livesand in the bottom of the tank while I am doing all this?


New Member
Even though you scrub off the big stuff you will still get some more dead stuff. Filter and protien skimmer will take care of that. One thing about the sand. Put your rock on the bottom and not on top of the sand that way burrowing creatures will not cause the rock to tumble by undermining it.


So for a new tank it's cheaper to go with uncured LR vs. cured. What are the benefits of cured in a new tank just set up with no fish. Are there any and should I save myself some $$ and go with uncured since it will get cured when the tank cycles? sorry
I seem to be asking the same ?'s but I am nervous about buying this LR that is not cured.


New Member
This is just an opinion but I would go with cured , you will cut down on your cycling time.. A 50 gl tank won't be to bad on rock price, depends on how heavy you want to aquascape. I would guess somewhere around a 100lbs. I am in the process of setting up my 190gl. I have 200lbs so far and will probably need that much more again. What is that old saying "If you want to play you have to pay". Whatever you decide spend the money on good quality stuff. It has taken me 2 yrs to get together everything for my tank. Remember patience is a must in this hobby. Oh about the uncured I am thinking about buying some hatian lettuce rock that is uncured. I will let you know how that goes.

bill f

Meemmoo - if your going to have a DSB, your LR will start to settle if you have fish or other burrowing animals in the tank. But you don't have to put them directly on the bottom. I use 3 inch long sections of 1 inch PVC to creat pylons and set the LR on top (like 2or 3 per rock on the bottom will work). It keeps them from settling. Before I used them, they would dig, the LR would sink, they would dig more, etc. Using the PVC, they dig and then stop as the LR stops. Works great.


Active Member
If your buying it offline no matter what you buy it will be uncured by the time it gets to you. So I would save on money and get the uncured rock. Or even if I was going local and its a new tank I would still get the uncured rock. Using cured rock will help the cycle go faster but there wont be a a big enough amount of amonia to really force your tank to have a big cycle creating a large bacteria colony. I would only used cured rock "buy it local cause shipping will kill some stuff making it uncured rock" if I was adding it to an already cycled tank.