Live Rock


When i buy live rock what do i have to do to it before putting it in my tank? I heard you dont have to do anything but put it in, then I heard I should acclimate it. I have been rinsing it with the water in my tank then putting it in, Is this ok?


Did you buy pre-cured liverock? Then if you didn't and your putting the rock into an established tank and thats really bad. Because all of the die from shipping and other stuff will cause your water quality to drop. are you getting ammonia spikes at all?


Ok, I would be willing to beat your buying cured live rock! If thats the case all you need to do is put it into your tank. No rinsing is needed. If it is uncured you will need to cure it by putting it into a tank of its own and run it for a few weeks, or make up a gl of salt water, put the new rock in it, and brush off all the dead stuff! After this you could put it into your display, but if you have a high bio load I WOULD NOT DO THIS. You will still run the risk of killing your fish if it is low, but it can be done. I did this with my tank, but all I had was a few dansals. They pulled through.
Good luck


Active Member
If there is nothing in your tank such as fish and inverts I would add it to your main tank. This will cycle your tank and cure your rock at the same time. If the tank is established, you will need to cure it in a seperate container such as a rubbermaind tub or another tank. To cure it place a powerhead and a heater in there and leave in till your ammonia level reads zero for a few days.