live rock


Active Member
55-110lbs. Around 82 lbs. would be about 1.5 lbs. per gallon, and that's considered pretty desirable. I only have some 25lbs. of rock in my 29g and it looks fine. It all depends on how you want your tank to look and what all you want to put in it. :)


Active Member
i started with 100lbs, now i'm at about 140. if you can't overstock a tank with fish, buy lr or equipment. i've seen plenty of tanks that have much much less, but i personally wouldn't do less than 45lbs in a 55. that kinda looks tacky and empty to me though. different lr is different densities however, so a really porous rock will appear a lot bigger and hold a lot more beneficial bacterias. the base rock i've seen is pretty dense and heavy as heck, so poundage is relative.


Active Member
i'm going to get a dig. cam this week i promised myself. my gf's parents gave me a $60 best buy card for christmas, i just haven't used it. the bus doesn't run on sunday's here, but i'll try my best to get something tomorrow.
edit: i know 60bucks isn't a dig cam, and yes i have other money for it:D