live rock ?


Active Member
i just ordered 50 lbs of LR... it took 5 days for it to get here.... looks amazing..... anyway, i put it all in two buckets w/ proper saltwater, rinsed it all out and put in nice new fresh saltwater.... i took an amonia reading just now and i have no amonia? does it take a couple days for it to read? or is it cured? it dosen't small bad at all..
thank for any help

sinner's girl

Guest took five days? I would expect some die off...I would test the am again, have the lfs test the water too (better safe than sorry).
How long has the rock been in the water? It'll take a couple of days for it to show up.


Active Member
nevermind, i typed to quick, it showed up, not too bad though... i'm def curing it till there is 0, i can't wait to put it in and take some pics

sinner's girl

smart, it might be okay to add a small piece that's not cured, but not that much. Keep a powerhead on the rock and keep an eye on the water, this way as much stuff as possible can live on it. If you see any creatures, you might want to move them now, in case they don't make it.