Live Rock


By the way TheRock0861 I do know where Jamestown NY is. (I'm pretty sure it is where I'm thinking) Thanks for all your help.


Hi Monica
A little advice, actually a trick I heard about, before you add the water after laying the sand lay down a piece of plastic over the sandand then add water slowly. This way the sand will compact and the sand will not get stirred up and become cloudy. Hope this helps, after all this you can add your coral! :D


Thanks! That is a good idea with the plastic, but I already have water in the tank. Should I keep that water that tests fine or should I start over? I don't think I should start over-right?? I have 75 gal. of water so I have nowhere to take it out and put it back in. Also, any advice on what protein skimmer I should buy would be great! Thanks so much.
Monica, I just went through the whole CC to LS deal about a month ago with my 55 gal. I cant say this is the best way to go but its the way I went. I bought two 30 gal rubbermaid containers and a small submersible pump from home depot. The containers were from the dollar store for like 8 bucks a piece and the pump was no more than 20 dollars. I pumped the water into the containers, mounted my heater in one to keep the fish in. Next I caught and moved all of my fish after all the insides of the tank were removed. I finished pumping to within about 1-2 inches of the bottom. I then removed the UGF and CC and pumped out the rest of the water.
I then began adding my 45lbs of aragonite topped with 45 lbs of LS. I refilled the tank with water until I could start my filters and let them clear the water. I added the fish and topped off the rest of the tank and was done.
It took about a night to complete, but was no big hassle. I talked to my LFS about it and his answer was that there was just no really simple way to do it but to break down the whole tank.
Hope this will help! Keep us posted.


Thanks everyone! My husband was wondering what the heck I have been doing all this time so now I have him into this also. He is building me a nice protein skimmer and sump. He says he could build me a way better one than I wanted to buy for A LOT less money. I also have bought 100 pounds of lr and lots of sand for a dsb! I am excited!!! I even found out that a friend of mine (just met a little bit ago) has a beautiful reef tank and will do some trading of corals and stuff with me. He lives one street over from me and I love his tank. Anyway, thanks again! I'm sure I'll have plenty more questions soon enough.