Live Rock???????


Where can i find good live rock that dosent cost to much casue i dont have much money im only 15 and no job.I want to order it over the net.I have a 30 gallon tank so how much will i need?
I aswell dont have very much money...I also have a 30 gallon tank. What I did was about 3 months ago I bought about 7 lbs of live rock. and about 5 lbs of lavarock. The live rock was $4 bucks a pound @ my LFS. Dead rock will become live rock over time. I have some coralline algae growing on my lavarock now. So you don't have to buy a whole lot of live rock. Start out with under 10 lbs and some dead rocks. If you buy it online you have to pay a hefty shipping fee usually.
one warning though:
Adding live rock to a cycled tank can cause minicycles and stress out fish.


be careful with lava rock it has alot of hard metals in it that will leach into your tank over time. live rock is usually around 5-6$ a lb around where I live so I buy alittle at a time. when you buy and introduce a large ammount at once you might get a ammonia spike so be careful and go slow
also welcome to the board