Live Rock


New Member
Got a slew of algae, looks cool but getting caught in filter. Is it safe to just pull off and throw out algae? And, can, Feel stupid asking, can live rock die? Please help me out???? Last rock I paid this much for was not legal.


New Member
Thanks man.
Originally posted by Reef Ranger:
If you can pull the algae off, and it's not corraline, do it. Live rock can die if it is out of the water for too long, or under very harsh conditions.


New Member
if your algae is the green hair algae, then get rid of it as quick as possible!! i have been trying to rid myself of that problem for about 2 months!! got turbos, scarlet and blue leg hermits, and still have a mess.... i have manually "pulled" tons out and finally had to add some chemical to get it out!!! it is clearing out after the second dose! (if it kills anything I will post another reply, but so far nothing is dead yet! :> ) and it has been 4 days!) anyway, if it is not coralline algae GET IT OUT!!!!


New Member
I feel foolish, but am very very new to all this.
What is Coraline algea? I have two books
but neither is very helpful where algea is