Live Rock


New Member
I have a 75g tank with an undergravel filter and protein skimmer. The tank is about 6 months old and have 3 damsels in it now. Can someone give advice how to take care of and grow live rock in my tank.


Treat your live rock just as you would inverts or corals. Give them a little extra light, some reef supplements like reef complete (I have been happy with this particular product although there are many others) and keep your water quality as good as you can and your live rock should do well.


Staff member
I think we should have an "equiptment" forum as well as a "live rock" forum separate from the existing forums. It would sure help us to pointpoint our interests a bit more.
Also, I have participated in other similiar bullitin boards to this one, even ones that have "snazzier" looks and features, but this bullitin board really TOPS the others! Everyone here obviously cares about this hobby and our captive charges! I only visit the other boards now to draw others here! [I'm bad, I know]

[This message has been edited by beth (edited 04-16-2000).]


No your live rock won't die from lack of special additives, but they will fare better with the added elements. the products I don't think really have much of an impact on the other creatures you mentioned.