live rock

salt one

ok, i just got done writing about how i can place my live rock in my reef tank, but the stacking it up across i don't like the look, and if i was to do that i would have to get alot more rock, i have about 50 pounds right now, so if anyone knows where i can look at picture of different ways to place the rock that would be great, any info welcome, thanks


hey I am starting mine up too and am adding live rock as well, I am arranging mine in a stadium fashoin type deal but I have also heard of setting it up as an island in the middle of the tank just experiment and try different things.



This might help or make you confused. If you look into my tank from the top this is what you see. Rocks are staced 3 high in some areas, other's are large pieces of rock with lot's of holes.
|/ //
L | ||------|/ R
/ | /|
This configuration leaves a nice open space in the front where I can make my shrimp come out ot feed. It is kind of like a pseudo viewing area. Yet all of the holes in the rock leave great places for the fish to go.
Just go with your imagination.


that didn't come out the way I wanted move the top and bottom rows to the right about 3 spaces.

salt one

thanks for the help, i might place it like the island, right now i have it in the stadium look and its not right, is it suppose to start down by the glass and then get higher and higher? because if thats the case then i have to get more rock


Active Member
Ah yes .. the never ending saga of not having enough live rock. Salt One I am in same boat as you. I only have about 40 pounds so far in my 55 tank, but WANT MORE !!! I have decided that my tank is a "work in progress" and I will add more LR when I can. As far as the "right way" to stack it .. I feel that it's a personal choice. If you plan to have corals someday, you may want to create a "reef looking stack" with level areas for coral placement, realizing that some corals will need to be placed higher up to the light, and others may require a lower location. If FOWLR then just let your imagination run wild. It's cool to create cubby holes, shelves, bridges and areas for your fish to swim in and out of, not to mention enough places for everyone to bed down at night.
Just try some different ways, I really don't think there is a right or wrong way to do it. Remember .. this is YOUR tank.
Have fun !