Live rock?


I,ve had live rock in my tank for a couple of months now and about three weeks ago I added two more pieces and I was wondering when does this stuff come to life? At first I noticed a few feather dusters but I think I handled it to much trying to get it the way I wanted and destroyed them! Anyway I was wondering how long it takes for the rock to really come to life?? I'm I just in a hurry?


It took mine a couple weeks to come to life. It was doing great until I added a manderine goby. It ate all of the fine little things growing on it.

mr . salty

Active Member
The rock itself isn't really alive. It is just a home for stuff to grow on. How fast depends on how big,and old your tank is. How much other stuff you already have growing in the tank,and your water quality. Most of the stuff you probably are looking for on your rock will not magically appear,it has to be introduced to the tank or already be in there. Like coraline algae,anemones,and corals. If this is already growing on other rocks in the tank it will take time for it to spread to the new rocks.STEVE


at least two months for me too see the first feather dusters. And the polyps took about the same time but recently about 7 months off they started to boom in growth, so I am helping them with calcium. Good conditions and time = new exciting critters!!