Live Rock

I have 2 questions about live rock. I have a 55g fishonly tank with regular compact lights. I am going to get new lights in the future when I get into corals , but for now want live rock only.
1. Do I need special lighting for Live rock?
2. Will my chocolate chip starfish kill my live rock or will I be Ok to have the starfish with live rock?


Your live rock should be alright with that kina of light and your chocolate chip star should be fine too. If you are going put some corals in the future, you have to remove the chocolate chip star because she will eat your corals
I hope this help KJ


Active Member
Live rock does not need any special lighting, and the starfish is fine in the tank with just the live rock. Once you get corals, the star will have to come out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That star would be fine in that size tank, but they are not reef safe.
Yep, I agree.