Live Rock


Okay i just got a shipment of live rock. It was wating on my door step when i got home it was 88 degrees out. I opened the box and the rock was in a single layer of plastic wraped around the rock once. The rock seemed dry and there were small flyes on the outside of the box. The carboard wraped with the rock was still very wet. Do you think this rock is still good? This is my first time doing a saltwater tank so i appreciate the help. I did put the rock in a tank with a skimmer and the skimmer is going nuts.


Active Member
The rock is fine. There is always a good amount of die off during shipping, although it sounds as though the packing could have been better. Monitor the water parameters in the tank and when the ammonia and nitrites have spiked and dropped to 0, the rock is cured. Periodic small water changes will help.


Active Member
If the rock was completely dry it would be dead now . Not live anymore . Usually most places wrap wet newspaper around the rocks keeping them moist to the least. And the wrapping in plastic . If it was me , I`d be calling whoever you got it from, LR is expensive and should have been packed better .


Thanks. The rock did not smell like rotting material or anything. It did have a slight oder to it.