live rock


I have the opportunity to buy some live rock local. The catch is the seller is going to give it back to the LFS after this weekend. Its super cheap. The other catch is I don't have an aquarium at the moment. I"m currently in the process of purchasing a 65 gallon tank. My question is, If I buy live rock, all cured and still in water, do I have to keep it in water or can I let it dry out for a week or so?
I'm a newbie so thinks in advance for the help.


Active Member
get a lrg rubbermaid tub, add a powerhead and a heater, and water. Just keep the rock in there until you are ready for it.


Active Member
Get a brute container, put rock in, fill with enough saltwater to cover, add heater and powerhead. The should be fine in there until you get your tank.
Woops.......Teresa beat me to it.


thanks, I plan on purchasing a tank this week and starting the cycle this weekend. If everything goes as planned I should have a tank. If I get the tank by the weekend, should I add the rock to an uncycled tank or wait until it cycles and then add?


excellent. Thanks for all the advice. Hopefully one day I will have the knowledge to pass on to newbies.