Live rock


Hi there. I need some help I am about to start a 100 gallon fish only aquarium. My question is, Should I use live rock or just dead coral or the fake coral?


Active Member
About 55-65 pounds should be good. You want liverock, but with aggressive fishes you also want swimming room. I might suggest looking for another fish instead of a hifin snapper, the triggers would love to nip those fins. What species triggers and grouper are you interested in? Bo


I like clown Triggers. for the grouper I am thinking of getting a miniatus grouper. I would like to get a shark but I know my tank is a little to small for one. I wouold also like to get a pretty wrasses but I am not sure which kind. ANY SUGGESTIONS?
the clown, the miniatus are good choices for your 100, the shark is a bad idea because it will quickly outgrow and finding a home is very tough, and the snapper im not sure, but for wrasses you could go for a dragon wrasse, or others


Active Member
A clown will get a little big for a 100. Nice triggers for a 100 are bluejaw, pinktail, picasso, rectangle, undulate (be very careful), and some others. A miniatus would be fine in a 100. If you get a less aggressive trigger you could put a wrasse (lunare, tusk, hog) in there. Bo


New Member
live rock for sure, fake or dead coral will look really good for about a month or so but will look like crap after that because of algae growth. Set up properly lr will look amazing all the time and help maintain goowd water conditions...just my two cents..