Live Rock


New Member
I plan on getting ordering live rock online but I heard that you have to leave the live rock in a bucket or pale for 2-3 weeks
considering I'm not going to be able to do that, I may have to get rid of my fish and put the live rock in and let the process beging that way.
Anyone have any ideas or experience with this:)


why can't you buy live rock from your local fish store? they usally sell "cured" live rock.. plus you don't have to pay expensive shipping charges... You should consider the difference.. i heard prices of lr is going up also...
A rubbermaid tub with a heater and powerhead is sufficient for your live rock. Let it cure in there, unless of course your only fish are damsels, then get rid of them and put the rock in the tank.


Active Member
adding live sand or live rock to your tank will cause the tank to recycle.
a 10-75 gallon container(this depends on the amount of LR you are buying) from Wal-Mart is about $12.00-$25.00,
a power head for your purpose is about $25.00 and a heater is about $20.00
Buy the above first -
Fill to about half with new Sea Salt mix and throw in the power head to chrun up the water (just like you are preparing for a water change.
Get the temp right using your heater and place this near your fish tank (so it can get some of the light from your display tank).
Do a few water changes and put your discarded water into the container to start the biofiltration (do as many as needed to fill the container)
Order your Live Rock and drop it into the container (keep in mind that you MUST remove the excess water as you put each piece in or it will spill onto the floor)
If your curing Live Rock you really should have a protien skimmer on the container completely necessary. The Live Rock should cure between 4-15 days depending on how it was handled prior to shipment.
I would recommend against scrubbing the rock as some suggest - the cool things that srub off are what you just paid for.


Active Member
Go buy a plastic garbage can from the store. Add saltwater, power head, And a heater to this. Throw your rock in and check your water leves every couple days. You don't need any light in there. You also don't need a protien skimmer in there. Once the levels of amn, and everything hit 0 then go ahead and put the rock in your tank.