Live rock

At my LFS the guy said not to add live rock to my 30 gallon tank. I have no idea why but I really want some. He said the reason was that if I added a copper based medicine it would kill the live rock. Cant I just set up a Q tank or is there another reson? I really like live rock but now the guy wont let me. What is up with that???:mad:
i usually don't believe in violence in any way, but i think you should punch him in the face and take his live rock.
yes, set up a qt tank. that guy is a moron


Active Member
The LFS is correct in that if you add copper to a tank w/ L/R, it will destroy it. He is incorrect in advising that you shouyld not get L/R. You should go ahead and buy the L/R and be sure to Q all fish before introducing to display. If you end up getting ick in the tank w/ L/R, there are other ways to deal w/ it w/o copper. Hope that never happens. Good luck.


There is truth to what the LFS guy said. If you have treated the 30gal with medication, chances are there maybe traces of copper or other harmful chemicals in the tank. This person was trying to help you out by not having you come back to him yelling because your live rock died. He wasn't trying to make a quick buck....he was interested in your tank's well being...something that is rare when talking to the LFS. Some don't ask because they figure everyone knows what they are doing unless they ask.