live rock


Got a box of 45 ilbs of live rock coming in the mail... Do I have to do anything special for my tank?? It is cured, but they said it is reccomended to be cured again. Should I turn the light on during the day? Anything info on it would be nice


Active Member
Its really more of a personal prefance I guess I always ran mine through my cycle but if your asking if you have to do anything nope just put the rock in and start aquascaping:D
Post Pics Too


Active Member
If the tank is cycling just put the rock straight in.
Does your Fluval make much noise? - I'm thinking of getting one.


Active Member
Just add the rock and watch it come to life. Watch your levels carefully so you'll know when you can move on.
As for lighting. I couldn't resist when I followed this method. Hey, you want to see what's in the tank right. I had no ill effect and if you by chance you get some light loving hitchikers, they'll be happy.
Good Luck and as Logan said. Pix are always welcome.