Live rock?


New Member
ok I have deccided to include live rock in my setup my question is do I put in the rock before the cycling or do I add it after also how much live rock is nessacary I have a 55 gal tank that is ready to start as soon I put some support under the house just want to be safe so this is what I have been told to do so far if anyone can comment or help out it would be great
so far I have been told to put the sand in
add the water 45 gal of distilled
mixed the instant ocean
and turn on the power heads and the filters is this right so far
I just need to know about the live rock when it should be added also does having live rock make a difference my setup does it help or is it just for display I am hoping to have a great setup I just want to take my time and do it right and safe:cool:


you can put the live rock in before the cycle.
Also some benefits of the liverock is that it acts as a natural filter, much like a deep sand bed will.
People add it for different reasons, I feel it gives the tank a more natural look and it will also allow you to make places for your fish to hide. HTH
also yes your steps so far appear to be right :)
Welcome to the world of reefing. I have only had my tank up for 2 months so I am far from an expert but I believe everyone will tell you get all the live rock in there right now and as much as you can afford. Since you are beginning your cycle now and not already established no need to buy cured rock so you can save money. As far as how much some say 1 to 1.5 pounds per gallon. I personally have around 120# in my 55 so it is up to you and of course different types of rock have different densities. Anyway hope everything goes well just take your time and ask away when you have a question.


Hey Rez, you can't go wrong with the lr. I bought 50lbs from SWF and 15lbs frm lfs. The benefits are many. Do a search on any questions you have. It looks like you are doing things great so far. I am 2 weeks into my cycle. Trying hard to be patient. I want everything to go fast. Hope all works out well.


Use 1-2 lbs per gallon. Add your sand and rock at the same time. Don't buy cured rock, you're going to do that anyway in oyur tank. The rock itself will cycle your tank. 4-6 weeks should do it.


I'm about a week behind you in the cycle. Do you still have that Brown Algae? That stuff is pretty ugly when its the rocks and the sand bed..


Yup. The brown algea is quite heavy in my tank. I finally decided to clean off the glass. I figure a clean up crew can take care of the sand and lr when my am, trites, and trates are at zero. Am is .05, trites are at 1 and trates at 2.5. They just dont seem to want to go to zero as fast as I would like.


They just dont seem to want to go to zero as fast as I would like.
Infallable, I am in the same boat. Ammonia actually went down very fast for me, but the trites and trates are weeks into it. I went ahead and doubled up on rock since it was taking so long, figure a little longer wouldn't kill me. But I obviously have some of the cycle working since ammonia fell so fast last time. Once the trites go, NEMO is mine! I would like to be one of the few buying a NEMO now that actually is able to keep him alive. :D


I know. I hate it to. But everyone says this is normal. Like I said, I just cleaned the glass and it came right off. Makes my tank more enjoyable to look at. Let me know how things progress with you. Good luck.


What do you do to keep the glass clean? I just used a clean small rag. Am looking into a sponge attached to a long handle for future use.


I just use a magnet type scrubbers . They work great. My glass is clean all the way around. Thats one thing I hate on a display aquarium, dirty glass. Come to think about it, it might hide that nasty looking brown crap;)


I use a mag-float, runs about $8.00. No effort at all. Sure, I'll send some Texas BBQ if you send down a good old Chicago Style Pizza!


Hey Austin, After cleaning the glass my brown algea has been well under control. I have reduced the time the lights are on by more than half. That may heve been a big help. Also, my trites are down a bit, I think that helps also. How is your tank coming along?


My brown stuff is going away as well. The tank is really shaping up. Its alot nicer to look at without all that brown crap!


Yup. I feel a lot better with the clear tank. Even the sand is starting to look cleaner. Although I do not wish the brown stuff on you, I was kinda glad someone else was having the same results.