live rock.


New Member
Im about to buy live rock, I was wondering what people think is the best looking live rock? Its a new tank I know I can cure it in the tank but will it smell to bad, the tanks in my livingroom. thanks for any help.



Originally posted by stonedpimp
Its a new tank I know I can cure it in the tank but will it smell to bad, the tanks in my livingroom.

Depends on the condition of the live rock when it reaches you. In other words how long does it take from plucking it from a vat or ocean to you. The longer it takes the more die off there will be, the more it may need to be cured, and yes it can smell rather poor.
Some will order it on line with the purpose of curing it in the main when the set up a new tank. Still others insist on being able to chose the rock one at a time so they purchase it at the LFS and pay a little more for the pleasure, so that they do not have to cure it.
Me? I say go for it in the main, many have reported very good live rock from this site.
Good luck whatever you choose