live rockin!!!


New Member
time to rock hard! i'm going to buy some lr from fla on this site. it looks good and would compliment the tank nicely. unfortunately, my wife already bought the DAMsels. if i order the lr tomorrow, get it in and put it the tank will it effect the cycle? should i wait the six weeks?
please advise.:happy:


Most people already know this, but when I set up my tank, I didn't... Wait to get your live rock, then CURE it. I ordered LR off of this site, and it said that it was safe to add to the tank, so I did.. VERY, VERY newbie mistake... Killed everything within 5 hours. Then I figured, what the heck, "I'll cure it in my main tank", and that irritated me more because I had dumped a LOT of money into what is now a "curing vat!!". So obviosly I took out all the live rock, did many water changes, and got my tank right again... It took about 10 days to completely cure all of it, and after that... Boy was it beautiful, although I would recomend this sight to buy LR, I would not recomend their "just add it to the tank" advise. My point... to cure the rock you have to do many water changes, which would prolong your cycling, so I think you should wait to get your live rock and consider it somewhat of a blessing that your wife got the damsels.


New Member
thanks tizzo.
so far i have learned a lot from you guys and am really greatful. the damsels are cute little fellas. io woke up this morning and they were all hiding out in the coral. my wife freaked out and jumped out of bed...WHERE ARE THEY????
not to worry, they were crashed out in their new pad. thanks everyone has been very helpful so far. thanks for not picking on the rookie!