Live Rocks, Coral, and Sand


My first salt water aquarium - should I purchase any live elements besides fish? What are the advantaged tp live rock, coral and sand? How difficult are they too keep and what devices/treatments do they require?
Your question is not so easily answered. As far as live rock and live sand they are a great benefit to your biological filtration system. You can read further about it here:
Corals and fish are personal preferences. I would spend some (alot) of time searching through the forums as I'm sure many questions you have can be easlity found there. Also get a good book and read, read, read, read, read......


Waterbury Guy,
Thanks for the article. That does explain a lot. On the note of biological filtration, I have a particular aquarium in mind. However, after reading other posts by other beginners, I have questions about this aquarium...
The aquarium I plan to buy is the MarineLand Eclipse 37. As I said - some biological filtration concerns present themselves. Everyone on here is recommending powerheads with a UGF. If you're familier with the Eclipse, you know that a UGF is not possible. However, the eclipse does feature a 250GPH PowerFilter with the Bio-Wheel. Would this filter be proficient or do saltwater fish require the use of a UGF to thrive?
Also, I read one post where the poster was under the impression that his powerfilter would remove the salt, is this true??


Active Member
Martin. I bet everyone (well almost everyone) on here will recommend you don't use UGF full stop. I am using one by the way.


Active Member
forget the eclipse, if you have not already bought it, b/c you will soon wish you had something else.
as for the ugf, my reccomendation is not to use one, PERIOD. instead go with live sand and rock with good circulation and careful stocking, you are better off, adn if you add a skimmer you would be miles ahead, IMEO


I currently have a 37 gallon eclipse. I like it for the fact that it's a nice looking top, but it can be a little tricky if you want to keep a reef tank. It is possible though. I am currently in the process of upgrading my lights from the standard NO, to VHO. Then if you want a skimmer you have to cut holes in the top to get it in. In the end you can make it work, but if I could do it over I would have gotten something bigger from the start. HTH.


Come to think of it RockinAR is right. I haven't seen anyone with a UGF and haven't seen anyone suggest one either. The only time I've even heard mention of one is a tread I started about Opinions on Plenums.
It's a great read for any new person. Do a search for it and I think you'll gain alot of useful information from it. It surely helped me decide how I was going to do my two new systems!!


Active Member
There have been a few on here that will arguee that a UGF is a good thing but most here do not, and will not use them.
They do serve a purpose however there are much more efficient ways to do things these days.