Live Sand 55 new 55 Gal


New Member
First of all, does LS need to be cured? Secondly, I will be adding water to me tank today, how much LS should I put in the tank to start with? Remember, this is a brand new tank, and hasn't been cycled yet. I am in no big hurry, So I am not going to dump like 100 lbs LR and the same amount of LS in there all at once, I want to do it slowly so when I run into a problem, it isn't a disaster.


i'd get playsand, and seed it with LS, might be expancive paying aboutr 2 bucks per pound, but getting 200lbs of it..
If it's a new tank I would do everything you want to do with it right away before it's started. First, put your water in and get the salt in there. Wait two days for it to clear up. Run your filter(s) and get the temp set. Then, get all of your live sand and drop it in there at once. Take some water out because it's going to over flow. Then put all the live rock in there too. It's better to put all that in at once so you don't keep recycling your tank. Works better in my opinion. Just my two cents.


New Member
I am buying my water premixed and picking it up today. So it would be best to get the temp right, then add all the sand/rock I want. Thanks :)