Live Sand Activator


What do you think about this product I found on the web? It is called Surfzone Live Sand Activator and supposedly it activates new substrate with "a rich culture of nitrifying bacteria, detritivores and micro-invertebrates." Sounds great, but does this stuff really work? Is it really necessary?
Here is the link:
I am new at all this and need a professional opinion.


Active Member
i [purchase this exact same package cause none of the lfs's around here used live sand when i originally set up my tank. i think it worked great! there was a ton of stuff in it microhermts, bristleworms, strombus snails, ministars, and spaghetti worms. plust all of the bacteria. Granted you can get basically the same stuff from any tank that is already established, but not knowing anyone around here cause im at college i took a chance and was very pleased. Gerald, the owner of IPSF, really knows what he is doing and is a wonderful help. id say go for it if you dont have any local sources of live sand!
good luck


That stuff definetely works great! For a while after I set up my reef I couldn't get my nitrates to 0. They were still low, but nothing seemed to get them to 0. I added that packer from IPSF and two days later my nitrates were 0. They have never gone back up ever since. It's worth the money if your tank needs it.


So when I first get my tank and put all that stuff in there, do I need to have any fish in the tank to keep the bacteria alive or do I need algae to keep the strombus grazers alive?