Live sand and CC??


New Member
I have a 60 gal with little live rock and CC for my substrate. Should I add some live sand?
i just started to cycle my tank.


I have a real problem with sand geting into my power heads and eating them up. I have a arge convict bleeny that keeps the sand stired. If I had it to do over I would have gone with cc. you can vacume it with water changes and get the debri out.


Originally Posted by chadman
u vacuum your cc?
yes when I do my water changes I suc it up in thge tube let it roll out the debre comes out and the cc goes back down but I only do it where i can get to it I don't move the rocks around any.


Originally Posted by oreo12
I have a real problem with sand geting into my power heads and eating them up. I have a arge convict bleeny that keeps the sand stired. If I had it to do over I would have gone with cc. you can vacume it with water changes and get the debri out.
Get power heads with filters.


Originally Posted by oreo12
I have a real problem with sand geting into my power heads and eating them up. I have a arge convict bleeny that keeps the sand stired. If I had it to do over I would have gone with cc. you can vacume it with water changes and get the debri out.

Dude use some prefilters for your power heads, that will stop sand from getting into them and eating them up!
If you are just starting your cycle, Get that CC out of there way to much crap ( and i mean crap) settles into the CC and will cause a buildup like you can't belive! Amm spikes, alge blooms that you can never get under control because it is deep in the CC!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Symon
If you are just starting your cycle, Get that CC out of there way to much crap ( and i mean crap) settles into the CC and will cause a buildup like you can't belive! Amm spikes, alge blooms that you can never get under control because it is deep in the CC!
:notsure: Huh? I've been using CC for a long time, and have had absolutely no troubles with it. Then again, I do spend time on my tank to make it look nice.. So I don't get it.