live sand and rock


New Member
am setting up the 60 gal with the built in wet dry and a power head and skimmer but wanted to know do i need live sand like the natures ocean kind or live rock or can i just have crushed coral and fake corals and how neccesary is a uv sterelizer for a fish only tank
ls and lr can be used as decor and biological filtration. you can also use cc. but you dont have to use it. you can go with a bare bottom. uv arent necessary for a fo.


You can always add a UV later on, and you don't want to run one on a new tank for a while anyway.
However, eventually you will get ICK, no one ever escapes, and if you have LR and any inverts (and I really love my cleaner shrimp) then the UV is a great tool to have in the Ick arsenal.