live sand and rock


New Member
what is the diference between live sand and rock and dead rock and crushed coral? i am thiiinking of setting up a medium sized marine tank and have been told that live sand and rock would be better


Active Member
Live sand/rock is sand and rock that is alive with all kinds of stuff. Obviously, the sand/rock itself is not alive, but they contain lots of microscopic creatures that help keep a tank in balance. It is typically taken straigh from the ocean, or from an well established tank dedicated to LR/LS. Live rock/sand has the bacteria you need to keep your water stable, but often times it also has fragments of corals that can grow in your tank. Good stuff to have for sure.
Dead sand/rock is just plain old sand/rock... none of the good stuff, just dry rock or sand.


You shouldn't think twice... go with the LS and LR... it will make for a MUCH more stable tank and also a much more interesting tank to look at!!!