live sand/crushed coral


New Member
I currently have 2 tanks set up a 55 and a 30 gal. When I set these up originally i was advised to use enough live sand and crushed coral to make a 2 to 3 inch bed. Now I am being told that causes problems with holding bacteria. Just wanted some advice or opinions please.


Active Member
You mixed the 2? I don't understand, "holding bacteria"?
In any case you shouldn't mix the 2. The CC will migrate to the top and the sand will compact on the bottom. Each will hold and colonize bacteria for bio-filtration but the cc will need to be cleaned and this will result in sucking up sand in the process.


Active Member
if i were you i would just have live sand with some nassarious snails..or other sand sifting creatures just to keep it moving but live sand has a good bacteria i havnt heard of the bad one so i really dont know what to say for that


New Member
Yes the two are mixed together in the tanks. I guess I can try to remove the coral from them and just use live sand for the bed. Thanks for your thoughts.


I have LS and CC mixed also. It's mostly LS. IMO It gives the sand a nice look.Cleaning the substate is not that hard. I hardly lost any sand while cleaning.
Originally Posted by bekahjo
Yes the two are mixed together in the tanks. I guess I can try to remove the coral from them and just use live sand for the bed. Thanks for your thoughts.
