Live Sand depth


New Member
I have a 135 gallon tank I am just bringing up and have placed about 1.5 inches of sand across the bottom.
I want to layer some LIVE sand across the top of that.
Does anyone have a suggestion on how thick I want the LS to be?


Personally I like a shallow sand bed of about 2 inches. Other like to have 4 to 6 inches for that deep down dirty denitrification ablilities of a DSB.
If it were me I would use as much cheap calcium cabonate based playsand as I can then try to get a few cups of live sand from a buddy or just put my money into the live rock. You do not have to have live sand right away, your sand will become live after or as you cycle a tank. If you are in a hurry then by all means get as much live sand as you want. This site sells some great live sand from what I'm told.

mr. ray

New Member
i was thinking about live sand. but i was going to put all live sand. Should I mix live sand with "dead" sand i don't see problem using only live sand but then agian i don't know any thing


Mr Ray.
Comes down to a matter of cost, by placing some good aragonite sand in your aquarium at low cost such as Southdown, Yardright or Old Castle play sand you can save yourself a good deal of money that you can place instead into Live rock that will not only seed your aquarium with bacteria but pods and worms as well.
As I stated before using live sand is a faster way to cycle your tank, add to this live rock and your well on your way, normally to a short cycle.
I used dead sand and dry base rock to start my 90, I added about 50 pounds of live rock from my 55 gallon when I tore it down. Started the cycle with a dead prawn and it was a long hard cycle but well worth the money saved and spent on other things.
P.S. Mr Ray- I have a brother and other relitives that are or were part of the MDOC here in Michigan, am in the pool myself. Thankless job I understand.