live sand expiration date


I was thinking about buying live sand for a new tank setup but I noticed an expirating date on the bag. It was close to being out dated. How acurate are these so called expiration dates and how do they determin the long jevity of the substraight?


If it is not yet expiered I would buy it. Most products with an expiration date have a built in saftey factor and are good for a while, sometimes a long time after the date.
You might even get the dealer to cut you a deal on it if it is close to expiering. They know if they don't sell it now they may never sell it.

mr . salty

Active Member
I believe that I would pass on any live sand that is close to the date.I have never seen a bag that was even within six months of expiring.I'm sure you can find fresher sand somewhere else,or ask your fish atore guy to reorder some new stuff....