Live Sand Help


Ok So i have posted this in a few threads already, but I guess not many saw it...
Im going to change my CC to LS.... I know money man told me to contact two members, but if anyone else wants to give me some steps to follow I'd love it.
I'm obviously goign to remove the items in the tank, but i dont have a "hospital tank"
so would it be dangerous to just remove them and put them in my saltwater bucket? After I take out the coral, Ill put down my rocks then pour the sand it.... how long should i wait for it to settle before putting in the fish and water back? Will this spike any fo my levels?
Does LS control the PH, or will i need to add something?


Even with the new sand you still have to let it cycle. Its the LS or CC wich allows the bacteria to do its job. Has the sand been cycling on another Tank?


No it hasn't
Her'es the problem,,, When is taretd my tank i was told so many wrong things. Instead of doing my own research i trusted my local pet shop and went by their advice. I'm thinking of purchasing a slightly larger tank and cycling that with the sand and gradually adding my other things, im just scared my fish may die in the mean time. Some one advised me that SALTWATERFISH for dummies is a very ghood book to read, i may purchase it and go through all of it.
Thanks for the conern and advice, anything or anymore would really help!