Live Sand Is Expensive


Geez I have checked all over the net plus ---- for LS... My goodness its like $1.00 lbs They say you need 1 to 2 lbs for every gallon of water... I would need at least 125 lbs and that comes to like $125.00 for my 125g That stuff is so expensive. I have CC in there now and was gonna change to LS


You can buy play sand and seed it with a cup of LS or if you have LR that will seed it also.


Active Member
NO!!!! You do not need 125lbs of live sand. I have a 125 and only used 4 bags (80lbs) of live sand. Fill the bottom with aragonite sand, let it settle, then when the temperature is right on put the live sand in. Be sure to turn off your pumps, it makes a real mess. Let it settle for awhile then turn the pumps back on. The bacteria from the ls will coat the aragonite sand and all will be good.