live sand kit


Where can i get those kit things for my live sand? It has all the bacteria and little critters in it.

nm reef

Active Member
Quality LR will provide a great source of micro critters.....I like to talk LFS's out of the rubble/crud from the bottom of tanks used to cure LR...the stuff is full of life.
Or you could order kits from a few sources on-line...I've never bought them...and I've never seen a justifiable need too!!:cool:

ed r

Live rock has a lot of critters, but I don't think most of them are what you want to populate a DSB. The detrivore kits like the ones from IPSF, Inland, and others can contain the desired creatures. Also buying quality live sand (not the bagged kind with only bacteria) is a good approach. The bottom rubble from an LFS as NM Reef suggested also can be good.