live sand question


New Member
just wanting to know if I can pick up my sand from a remote area on a beach or not. I have to head to south carolina this weekend and thought if i could it would save me a fortune in sand


Active Member
Not a good idea. There is stuff in the ocean your tank can't handle. However since you are going to South Carolina you have an option. Do a search on this site (search button is at the top of this screen) for "Southdown" I know sounds stupid but trust me you will learn some good stuff. I believe they have it in SC.


Active Member
I replied to another postl ike this and there are just to many contaminents that can be in it to mess with it.


You question is a good one, but I go down there all the time and trust me when you go you will see real fast why you won't want that sand in your tank. All the street oils, gasolines and other pollutants are washed down the drain and unlike in your state, they go straight into the ocean. Right over the sand. You can't even see your feet in 2 feet of water that shore is so polluted!! Nice place to vacation, not aqaquate for reef or open ocean life. But take a net, some kid near me caught this cool looking little fish that had a horn like a unicorn. He was just scooping the net through the water...


Not only are there contaminants in the water but the sand from South Carolina's shores are designed for a different environment than what a reef tank would need. I may be wrong but I think that SC beach sand is a more crystalline sand where the sand you will be wanting is aragonite.
Tizzo, pollution isn't the reason you couldn't see your feet. South Carolina/North Carolina/Georgia have a lot of rivers and tributaries that drain into the ocean carrying silt and other dirts to the coast. These silts and stuff is what clouds the water around here (I live in Charleston, SC--right on the coast). Sure, there is pollution but it isn't what makes the water cloudy. Go four or five miles off the coast and the water gets crystal clear.


Originally Posted by Vlondi
Tizzo, pollution isn't the reason you couldn't see your feet. South Carolina/North Carolina/Georgia have a lot of rivers and tributaries that drain into the ocean carrying silt and other dirts to the coast. These silts and stuff is what clouds the water around here (I live in Charleston, SC--right on the coast). Sure, there is pollution but it isn't what makes the water cloudy. Go four or five miles off the coast and the water gets crystal clear.
Charleston is a neat place (ecxept for that powder sand that gets into everything)!! Oh Your right about the pollution. I was just venting about the overall water quality. I didn't think it was all pollution heck that would be digusting!! But the fact that the water isn't clear is cause for concern to me...
I can find clear water 5 miles off the coast?? Really?? I know what I'm plannin' this summer!!