live sand question?


New Member
How long does it take for the live sand to settle??
I put the live sand in this morning and it cleared up just little bit after I got home from work..Does it take a couple of days? Should I have filtration or a power head on or something?
I f any one could help


It can take sand several days to settle in a tank. I would keep some water movement going and possibly use a HOB filter if you have one to assist you in polishing the water. I dont recommend power head down low, that will just disrupt the substrate. Keep'em high.


Active Member
Have you filtration running to clear up tank. Sand will settle down as long as you don't have anything blowing directly into sand bed. You should also clean your filter media (sponges) in the next day or two because they will collect some of the sand inside of it.


if you are going to add more sand a way i have found is that if you rinse it off a bunch of times before adding it, this really helps with the cloudiness... in addition try to lay the sand in instead of just dumping down... depending on how much you put in.. it may take a few days to clear up... as long as you dont' have any livestock in the tank as I presume no.. and hope no becuase it is a brand new tank there are no worries my friend.. a normal thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shiby1510
if you are going to add more sand a way i have found is that if you rinse it off a bunch of times before adding it, this really helps with the cloudiness... in addition try to lay the sand in instead of just dumping down... depending on how much you put in.. it may take a few days to clear up... as long as you dont' have any livestock in the tank as I presume no.. and hope no becuase it is a brand new tank there are no worries my friend.. a normal thing.
:notsure: Why would you rinse off LS? I thought the whole point of LS was it already has beneficial bacteria in it that you need in your tank. If you rinse it you would wash away everything that you need?


Active Member
O.K. I was trying to help with the original post about how long does the sand take to settle down ( the sand that she put in in the morning). I didn't know she was thinking about adding regular sand.


Actually the best way I have found to do it is to lay the sand (live or washed regular) down first in the tank.
Then put a piece of plastic or plastic wrap over it, one big enough to cover the sand and come up the side of the tank about 3 inches.
Then add the saltwater.
When enough of the water is in, pull out the plastic.