live sand question

I was going to go get about 160 pounds of live sand to put in my 220 gallon aquarium from a guy who is getting out of the hobby. Right now the sand is in his tank and we were going to put it in a rubbermaid container for transport. The only thing is i dont have any water or anything in my tank yet because i am doing things like plumbing and staining the stand. How long will live sand survive in the rubbermaid in saltwater? Do i need to do anything to facilitate keeping it alive? it should only be about 3-4 days before i can put it in my aquarium but is that too long? There are also about 20 nassirius snails in the sand too. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Take enough water from his tank tocover it. It should be "okay" in 3-4 days. You will get die off, but it's only your cycle after all. You'll still get some LS benefits.
Keep the snails towards the top, they will suffocate if they are down too deep.