live sand/rock ?(new to forum)


New Member
I'm in the process of setting up a 40gl breeder salt water tank. I've had a couple sw tanks before but never used live sand. What would be a good set up for a fish only with live sand and rock. How thick of a substrate do you use? What are the benifits of live sand? Does in break down nitrates? (thought i read that it does). I plan on using 2 penguin 330's for biological filtration and adding a skimmer later on when budget allows. Any tips or suggestions are welcomed.

nm reef

Active Member
First off.....a hearty "WELCOME" to the reef forum....always good to see a new voice in the crowd.
To answer your question ...check the links below...they are full of good info on DSB's...the more info the better. Especially since you are just starting to consider developing a DSB.
Personally I prefer a DSB of about 6" in depth. I use a combination of sands with approximately 20% of the total being LS. Yes ... a developed/stable/mature DSB can and will lower nitrates...thats one of the many benefits. Check the links and good luck with your new project.
DSB info
DSB sediment info
sand beds
Hows & whys of DSB's


Active Member
Welcome aboard, and I agree with nmreef
One thing, for a tank that size, instead of using 2 peinguins, get a prizm or spend a little more and get a bakpak skimmer, ti would be better off, and about the same cost. With the dsb and lr, you do not need the bio filters(they would be your biofilters and better too)


New Member
Thanks for the replies, I'm starting to have second thoughts about live sand. The reason being that my 40 breeder is only 16" high. With 6" of substrate I woundn't have much tank left. From the links provided by NM reef it seems 6" should be the minimum. Can you get away with maybe a 4" substrate? If so how many pounds would a 40 breeder need in order to reach 4". Who is a good online retailer for live sand?


Active Member
yes, 4", IMO is fine, 4 to 6 is what i reccomend.
as for pounds, I am not sure, but I would start with about 75 or 80 and if more is needed, then build upon that.