live sand vs non live sand



Are ther significant benifits with starting a tank off with live sand vs non live sand?
Getting live sand is a good idea. It will give you a boost in your bacterial culture. I used live sand in a brand new tank along with live rock just to speed up the cycle process. Now how the company knows there's over 10 million bacteria in one bag is beyond me. It did however make the water cloudy for a day or so, and it does get a little cloudy during water changes but really no big deal.
Im going to buy more live sand for my new 55 gal. tank, just make sure you get enough. I have about 2 inches of sand in the bottom of my 30 gal. now.
Thanks to my trigger fish that's hit glass bottom in a few spots, I bury his holes and he digs them up again. So sometimes it can be entertaining watching fish, well dig I guess.

coral keeper

Active Member
Best thing to do IMO is get all dead sand and get a cup or 2 of some real live sand from local reefers if there are any around you. But the "live" sand in bags from LFS is a wast of money IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Best thing to do IMO is get all dead sand and get a cup or 2 of some real live sand from local reefers if there are any around you. But the "live" sand in bags from LFS is a wast of money IMO.