Live Sand


What is live sand? I don't know if that is a stupid question or not ... but I have no idea what that is. :rolleyes:


Only a question not asked is stupid. LS (live sand) is sand that has bacteria and critters in it. It takes nitrates to 0 and will dissolve (because the critters eat it) extra food and waste.
I think ls is great helps in all different areas of the tank. I use it myself. You can buy the bags in the store for like $20.00 a 20lb. bag. Which is like the last post said he has seen it to a $1 a lb. Anyway lots of luck.


The bags you find for about $20 only contain beneficial bacteria. To get the live critters you have to either buy the sand from an established tank at your LFS, or get it from a friend. You can also order detrivore kits online that will seed your sand as well. If you want a nice LS bed, you want to stay away from CC as it is to sharp and big for the little buggers to live in.


Originally posted by FantomKoala:
<STRONG>The bags you find for about $20 only contain beneficial bacteria. To get the live critters you have to either buy the sand from an established tank at your LFS, or get it from a friend. You can also order detrivore kits online that will seed your sand as well. If you want a nice LS bed, you want to stay away from CC as it is to sharp and big for the little buggers to live in.
I have CC and LS in my 120 reef and the substrate is crawling with all kinds of critters.... as a matter of fact I think that it makes it E-Z'er for the critters to move around under the stuff..... (in mine it kinda looks like an underwater ant farm) :D Just my 2 bits worth!!!!!