Live Sand

fish tank

I have a 75gal tank that I had 60lbs of CC in and today I took it out and put 140lbs of Live Sand in. I saved about 50gl of my old water and put back in. Now I need to know how long I should wait before I put a feather duster, turbo snail and 2 red leg hermits back in my tank. they are in a 20gl holding tank now.


Active Member
I would test the water and see if you had an ammonia spike. It will probably be ok though if the live sand was good quality. Was it pre packaged live sand? Or was it live sand that was in a tank?

fish tank

I got the live sand from a place in Kenner. Since your from new orleans you probably know the place
I dont know if i can say the name of it on here or not but its out by the airport on delaware st. do you know it?


Active Member
since ther is no hurry, i would wait a couple of days, jsut to make sur you don't go through a mini cycle, as said, you probably wont have a prob, but if you got your critters in another tank for now, it can't hurt, you got packaged ls, right, we used it without any problems, but we weren't in a hurry either, so i just waited and monitored my parameters acouple of days, just to be safe
and i would, definitely, since you added that much, and removed all your cc at once

fish tank

I first took out ALL of the CC and now will find a hole to put it in... lol. it is not bag sand, they get it from the keys and have a big tank they keep it in. about 2000# in this tank