Live Sand


New Member
Hello I'm new to the site.I have a 90 Gal FO tank With CC.Iam changing to a DSB.How much live sand should I add to 120 lbs.of reg sand? Also can I buy rock from a landscape supply and add live rock to make it all live rock? Thanks for the help.


Active Member
How much live sand are you planning on using??? You don't need a lot of "live sand" to seed your other sand... Are you talking about using 120lbs of sand??? I wouldn't trust getting rock from your landscape suppy place.....I think your asking for disaster


Active Member
What kind of rock are you speaking of? If it's a varient of calcium carbonate such as limestone, it could work. The closer the calcium carbonate is to it's origional form as a coral, the more internal spaces there will be in the rock, and it will support a larger denitrifying bacteria load.
With most other rocks, you have to worry about trace elements that could poison your tank. Find a geologist friend to help you identify the rock and it's likely makeup before putting it in your tank.


New Member
It's 120 lbs of carrib sea agromax sand. I just want to know how huch live sand to seed it with. I don;t know a geoligist is there any other way to tell if rock is good ?I am on the gulf coast.


Active Member
Like I said you don't need a bunch of sand to seed the dry stuff and 120lbs IMO is way to much for the main display tank


Active Member
As DSkidmore stated, some kinds of rock can work ... however, not knowing which kind can be harmful. I'd play it safe and buy some good LR from a reliable source. :D


Active Member
or make your own rock! Do a search on DIY live rock, you should find alot of good info. It's cheap, and creative!