live sand?


I am going to start a new reef and was thinking about leaving the bottom bare? and the idea of live sand sounds cool are there different ways of useing it? can I just put a thin layer down or is it complicated?
I don't have live sand, but crushed coral, and I only have a very thin layer, just enough so you don't see the bottom. I like it that way because it looks natual, but doesn't build up as much waste and junk at the bottom and is easier for my scooter blenny to scavenge through and get most of the stuff.


Don't skimp on the live sand. I put about 2-3 inches of it in my tank and it's great. My sleeper goby loves making piles of it on the bottom and it gives it a nice textured look. Not to mention that it is great for your bio-filter. Hint, put your live rock on the glass so your critters don't dig under them and upset the whole thing.