live sand


New Member
I have a 44 gallon pentagon corner tank with 35 lbs of live rock. It is a fish and invert only tank, but I would like to add some live sand to it. What is the difference between the pre-packaged live sand I can buy at my local retailer, and the live sand I can buy at which is "full of critters"? Also, how many lbs do I need?


the bag of LS from a retailer is "Live" in that it only has bacteria in it. LS from this or any other website that has "Critters in it means it also has bacteria but also pods, worms, and other items which are beneficial to your sand bed. You can also go with dry sand and let it become live over time. For how much sand you need this formula works pretty well:
Length in incehes X Width in inches X desired depth in inches X .0579 = pounds of sand needed


No this formula would not be accurate for cc as the size of the sand vs the size of the cc would throw it off. I would not use cc as it needs constant cleaning or you will have nitrate problems.
BTW love the tiger hawk logo. I grew up in Cedar Rapids and I am a die hard Hawk fan.


only a fair chance against PSU considering it's on the road. If Banks has a great day throwing the ball to set up the run, we may win. Unfortunately Norm Parker and his clueless defense scheme will give up quite a few points so we can't just rely on a running game.
I see you don't currently have a salt water set up. when you going to take the plunge


Well personally I think it will be a close game. PSU by three unfortunately. Actually I just bought a 120 Perfecto XH (60 by 18 by 26). But I am at school right now and want to do it when I graduate in May. I want my full attention on the new tank and would be impossible at school!