Live stock orders from


New Member
has anyone ordered any live stock off of if so how does the shipping and everything go with the fish and how do the fish and corals handle all the bouncing around to get here?


I think your lfs gets their coral, and fish the same way, so it just cuts out the middle man. I have not ordered from but have ordered from someother place with good results. Yuo just need to be at home when the babies are delivered.


Staff member
Fish/coral is not shipped along with live rock.
Live animals are sealed in bags and well packed tight with insulation.


yeah when I worked at ***** we had are fish shipped the same way these guys do it and they were fine. You just have to give them a few days and relax and feel good in there new tank


New Member
well me(connies son) works at a pet store and we have all of our fish shipped in bags. and alot of ours die from shipping so i just wasnt sure.


I placed an order a few months ago and was very impressed, especially because the shipping was free if you spend at least $79. I bought 3 fish and some invertebrates. However, the only problem I had was that the bag the puffer fish was in had broken and the puffer was only in about an inch of water but he was fine and acclimated well to my tank. I would definitely order again in the future.


I've made several orders to and have had wonderful luck. Fish are frequently larger than they specify. Only 1 DOA: haitaiin anemone and they reimbursed me.


New Member
I have purchased from several times, its actually where I get most of my fish. I have had some fish die BUT it was probably due to tank conditions rather then shipping. I did not want to go through the trouble of returning them so I cant say how the guarantee is. They ship them in bags with oxygen sealed with metal clamps, I have never had any problems with a busted bag or leaking. Also, after so many orders you get free something free today with my order (puffer) which is why I am here on message boards trying to find out about levels and free items. I would highly recommend this website for ordering. Keep in mind that LFS order the same way and they too get dead fish on arrival! Good Luck on the tank! :happyfish


Active Member
you got a free puffer? lol did you say you wanted one? otherwise how would they know what to give you for free? lol


New Member
At checkout they give you a list of things to choose from....I chose a puffer. SWF is awesome!! :cheer:


New Member
I would say there were about 10 or so items to choose from. I cant remember too many items but I do remember bicolor blenny, lawnmower blenny, choc. chip starfish, a chromis (green I think) and the puffer. I actually had the puffer in my cart to check out when I found out I could get him free I went back and took him off. I cant tell you how many times I have ordered from SWF prob in the neighborhood of 10 times. I usually order enough for free shipping with orders totaling anywhere from $100-$120 each time. I dont know if it goes by how much you spend or how many times you order. At checkout it said Congrats because of my continued purchases from SWF I had reached a level 3 which allowed me to receive a free item...blah blah blah. I have searched the boards trying to find out about these levels if anybody out there knows anything please post a reply. I am trying to figure out how to start a thread so maybe I can get some answers.


Yea they ship it the same way as LFS get their livestock, I just got an order in a week or two ago. They package everything in a Styrofoam cooler double bagged. Everything I got came alive except for my anemone crab, which was the cheapest thing I ordered so I wasn't too upset . The only thing I don't like about ordering from is that the animals are usually only sold at one size and are typically the smallest size. Althought I did just get two more flame scallops that were about 3 - 4 inches which is large for them.