

Does any one have any suggestions on live rock?
Were on the internet I should order it? (some good sites to go to)
How much would be good for my 55g?
What kind to get?
I would get it from my local pet shop but it is 12.99 a lb


Well-Known Member
$12/lbs. way too much.
first our hosts here SWF does sell live rock.
second you could use base rock or even make you own rock and then seed it with a small amount of live rock. I am experimenting with that. It does take time and effort but enough materials for about 200# of rock was only $20.00 from home depot.


I have look here on SWF.
I am just starting out and what something simple. Should I try curing my own?


Active Member
Yes you can cure it in the tank. You have to let it sit for a couple of weeks. I have all fiji rock which is pretty good. It sounds like the stuff your store can order is marshall island rock which is supposedly some of the best.


This may be a silly ? but along the same lines. How do you know if your live rock is still alive???


Active Member
You can get live rock from a number of different sites. This site sells fiji for pretty cheap. You can tell live rock is still alive by its color. It should be a healthy purple,red,pink, darkbrown, green, black all mixed together. Base rock will look mostly white or a cream/grey/very light brown color.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by booya
Do you need base rock if yes what is it
Sorry if I am being uneducated.

base rock is basically live rock that does not have life on it.
Neither live rock nor base rock is absolutely necessary. Live rock is popular because it helps establish the system and adds interesting life such as critters and plant life. Both base and live rocks decorate the system.
My preference is to use base rocks with possibly a little seed live and to establish thriving plant growth. Most corals I have added came on some form of live rock and therefore provided some corraline algaes.


thats the one. thankyou
one more question. i am thinking of curing all of my rock and sand in my tank i don't have any thing in it will this be a bad idea if i though it all in at once?
thanks gain


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by booya
thats the one. thankyou
one more question. i am thinking of curing all of my rock and sand in my tank i don't have any thing in it will this be a bad idea if i though it all in at once?
thanks gain

I have never cured live rock but see nothing wrong with using your tank. Just check until the paramters are all ok. Most would recommend doing a water change after the cure.
I would recommend that you wait at least three weeks before adding fish to let fish born parasites die off from lack of a host fish.
I also highly recommend establishing plant life (macro algaes, or marine plants) during this time also.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by booya
i planed on doing a 75% water change do you think that would be alright

If the water is clear and parameters ok then there is no need.
i also know of a place to get the LR realitivly cheap it is at live aquaria online. if this does nto show up e-mail me and i can tell you. you can also use LACE rock, to mix it with the live rock it is about 2 bucks a lbs and comes in all different sizes and shapes.