Livesand Vs. CC


Stay away from cc, plain and simple. There are virtually no advantages over a dsb. Crushed coral is yesterday's method. These days folks are converting to dsb. If you are in the planning stage go for the dsb. Esesntially cc are nitate factories & do not provide long term benefits to a system. Good luck.


Go sand, I'm changing mine to sand soon. I just wish I was told the right information in the begining. Sand looks more natural, and you don't have to vaccuum it every month. Not as much stuff gets trapped in it because of the small particles. Just some advantages. Oh yeah, sand beds also create a good enviroment for fish like gobies, who like to sift, and jawfish.


Hello,I agree with the natural look of live sand,all my tanks have LS/LR and i'm happy with the outcome + i like wrasses,and they like to bury themself in the sand.


Definatly go live sand. I just switched over LS from CC and I am so much happier with my tank and the fish seem to like it better too!
If you are going to switch, a really easy way to get the cc out without losing alot of water is to use a cat litter scoop (a BIG one), preferably not used as cat urine is high in ammonia. once the CC is out, geta 3"-4" diameter , 18"-24" length piece of PVC and put it in the tank square on the bottom, pour the live sand in the pipe and when about full, gently lift about 1" up and spread the sand around. This way you do not have a sandstorm in your tank and none of it will get sucked into your filter! Good luck! :D


If I add LS, should I turn my filter off for about an hour to let the sand settle? Also will LS make my ph lower, so far with CC havent had to adjust my ph ever

mr . salty

Active Member
If you get GOOD LIVE SAND,there should be NO CLOUD at all.When I switched over,the only cloud I had was from removing theCC. That is where the problem is.You WILL,No matter how carefull,Cloud the tank removing the old stuff.Best thing to do about this,is to pump out as much water as you can.Then remove the CC.You should also have some premixed water to make up for this lost water....Then refill the tank,,,Add the sand,,,replace the rock(oh,you aint got no rock).And you should be fine.....The Natures Live sand has enough bacteria in it so your tank won't recycle.As for the filter,,,Start it up right away.Just keep an eye on the filter elements.