Livesand - whats your favorite brand?


In November when I am moving out of my apartment, i plan on removing the crushed coral bed in my tank and replacing it with live sand. What are your recommended livesand brands and why? I don't want to get a bad brand or a LFS bag thats been sitting for months on the shelf. Anyone have any opinions/info on the black livesand? Thanks in advance!
(don't worry, the fish won't be in there when I do it!)

crypt keeper

Active Member
The sand that has been sitting around for months is great IMO. It's cheap and what I do is go to my best coral lfs and get a pound of his live sand and mix it. This will esstablish my sand and in a few months be just as beneficial as the million dollar stuff


hmm, really? So would you suggest a 20 pound bag of sand and just clean the crap out of my current substrate and mix them together?


The best sand already has lots of life in it, the one sold here has lots of tiny starfish and other goodstuff. I recommend it over other brands.
Good luck hope this helps.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by roadie996
hmm, really? So would you suggest a 20 pound bag of sand and just clean the crap out of my current substrate and mix them together?
No. I would do exactly what I said. I hate crushed coral. This website has great sand. I would buy my sand from the bags and then mix in this sites sand and your sand bed is established


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
No. I would do exactly what I said. I hate crushed coral. This website has great sand. I would buy my sand from the bags and then mix in this sites sand and your sand bed is established

Whoops, sorry, I misunderstood you the first time. I got you now. I'll check out this sites sand and go from there. Thanks for your help!


Active Member
Cranberry is correct, as usual.
Get plain ol' dry sand put it in your new tank and scoop a few cups from the previous tank and add it to the new sand. Within a week or two the good bacteria will be throughout the new DSB.