

have any of you had good luck ordering livestock online? If so could u share your experience and maybe the address to the site.
How about the one we're on?? Some sites give u good prices till u pay shipping others get their mony other ways and some just arent worth if they were to give it to you.
They show or tell u one thing and when u get it its no more what u saw or wanted than anything.


I purchased a cleaning crew from this site for my 100. It was great and everything was alive and kicking. They also gave me some GORGEOUS brittle stars. I dont know about where you guys all live, but out here you pretty much can ONLY get green ones. They gave me 2 that I asked for and even threw in another one. But they were all burgandy in color.
The ONLY thing to keep in mind (And this isnt a complaint so much as a thought) is that their shrimp that they sent me were VERY small. We are talking about quarter to 50 cent piece size. They were eaten promptly on their way down by a couple damsels. But other than that I have absolutely NO complaints.


Active Member
I just recieved an Ubuild it invert package from here on thursday and I have already ordered another one. This is a good place for price and selection.


Active Member
i have seen nor heard anything bad about this site, and have ordered mo other places before i came here, i have had no problem, but the onlly draw backs that i have experienced and or saw are
if you order today, does not mean you will get tommorrow, BUT they will ship it asap, and inform you of the date and delivery date and ordr tracking numer
you must have someone available ot recieve the order and acclimate the fish immediately(it can be a neighbor or anyone that you trust, it does not have to be you)for you on the specified day, no reciever, no guarentee
and the shipping can be brutal, simply becaue it must be next day aired, but this can be offset greatly by ordering more than one thing, if you know someone else who has sw, the initial fees are much worse than add ons(sometimes no more even), os when i MO, i get as much as i can SAFELY for my tank(s), i will not order a 10 or 15$ fish by itself, often it would be much cheaper to drive 1.5 hrs and pay 2x's as much
and as for addresses,unless it is something you need and cannot get it here, i will always reply to go here, sorry, but i do support our board and it's sponsors, and will not advertise, some others may, but i won't and ask others to participate in supporting them too, this is a great FREE service that is being provided, lets keep it alive