LM blennie eating help



Does anyone have any other tricks to get a LM Blennie to eat?
The real issue is that he hides in the LR and I really never witness him ever eating.
I've tried soaking nori in Kent Garlic Extreme and rubber banding it to my LR and he seems to ignore it. He doesn't acknowledge any other pellet or flake food either.
It didn't take him long to clean off the LR when he first got in the tank, but my tank really doesn't produce much algae at all.
Thanks in advance..


He likes spirulina flakes soaked in garlic. I used a tongs to place it in front of his hole in the live rock and he comes out to get it right from the tongs. He actually started to scrape at the nori sheets since he's accepted the spirulina.
He was getting so skinny, I thought he was going to die. Now he's filling out again and all is well.
Hope this helps someone else, unless you're one of the lucky ones with a LMB who eats anything.


I have spirolina and a LMB on a hunger strike in the QT.
How do you soak your spirolina in garlic? Is it as obvious as it sounds?


I used Kent Garlic Extreme, which is in liquid form with an eye drop style dispenser. They recommend about two drops for a teaspoon sized portion. Now that he has gotten a taste of it, he comes right out of his hole in the rock everytime he sees me with the tongs. I had to use tongs to get the food right by him at first, or the tang and clownfish would get it first.
Hope this helps with your fish, it's the only thing mine would eat. He sometimes nibbles on the seaweed sheets, but not as aggressively as the spirulina flakes.